Clearance Area Rug Sale

Select in-stock area rugs are clearance priced. Stock only.
Get them while they last. See in store for details.


Save up to 40% off select window coverings.

Free measure calls and no obligation quotes. We install venetian blinds, vertical blinds, roller shades, and shutters.


Carpet and vinyl remnants at less than $2.00/sf.
Bound mats at $10.99 and up, for size 2x4 and up.
Stock carpet at $1.79/sf and up.
Stock indoor/outdoor carpet at $1.29/sf and up.


Combine the beauty and durability of tile with the comfort of an electric floor warming system to bring a touch of luxury into any room of the home. DITRA-HEAT is the only electric floor warming system that directly incorporates uncoupling technology to ensure that floors aren't susceptible to cracked tiles and grout. Cables can be placed wherever heat is desired for customized heating zones, and no leveling compounds are required, which makes for a quick and easy installation.